Friday, September 27, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

This week the flashback comes from August 2010 and was when we got freedom again after the Beans holidays.

Back in the Old Routine.

Now we have been let out of our purrison cell it is good to get back out in the fields checking on the mousie population.

Hey Eric, stop sniffing my butt!

Arghhhh! He's attacking me!

Yayyy rassle time!

This is fun. It's just not the same indoors.

Now we've had a good rassle we can relax again.

What? I am relaxed.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Eric I have used Beauty at 25%, then Landscape at 40%.

For Flynn it was Red Blush at 60%, then Scribble at 25%

preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 28.09.24
preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 28.09.24
I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 This week the flashback comes from August 2010 and was called:

Sunny Saturday.

The rain has stopped at long last and mum took us for a walk. We haven't been out much because the weather has been so bad and it was great to get out in the grass again.

The grass has got long again. It should have been cut to make hay for the horses but you need dry sunny days for that.

All the walking and hiding in the grass made me thirsty so I had to stop at the horse trough for a drink of water.

Flynn didn't go looking for any mousies. He was to busy enjoying his bath in the sun.

Then I saw dad by the trailer so I went over for a cuddle. I hope the sun stays for a while.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Eric and Dad I used Landscape at 45%, then Sparks at 40%.

For Flynn I used Reds at 40%, then Illusion at 30%.

preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric and Dad 21.09.24
preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 21.09.24
I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.

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Friday, September 13, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

 First a very quick update and good news at last. I had a consultation with my oncologist and he had the results of my 9 week CT scan. The original cancer lesions in my bowel have shrunk by almost 1mm, and the two new ones on my liver have also shrunk slightly. There is a new one on my liver that didn't show up on the previous scan but it is very small and darkened which means it also is responding to the chemotherapy. Ivor and I thank you all for keeping us in your thoughts.

My latest cards are at the bottom of the post. Thank you to everyone.

This week I have a video from July 2010 of Eric playing in the earth which was originally a Mancat Monday.

There is nothing I like better than to play in the earth.

Then a short post from both which was a Tummy Tuesday from August 2010.

Flynn has accepted defeat and agrees that I have the best tummy so I should do Tummy Tuesday from now on.

NO I HAVEN'T!!! I just have a smaller tummy than you Eric.

I am joining Athena, the Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Eric I used Landscape at 60%, then Scribble at 20%.

For Flynn it was Flow at 50%, then Frost at 25%

preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 14.09.24
preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 14.09.24
Terry, Celesta and The Brian's Home Gang.

Ellen  15 and Meowing                   Cecilia and Bryan

              Kim                             Lynn and Precious

I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.

Friday Flashback and Caturday Art. Some more cards at the end that I have received, thank you. 

Two short posts this week. The first from Flynn from July 2010:

Do You Remember....

.............yesterday that I told you I caught a baby snake last week?

Well today I caught his big brother!
Mum is getting a bit worried now because I am not catching them in the fields, but in the garden. She said she won't be going out there in sandals or slippers any more.

And a Tummy Tuesday from Eric from August 2010.

I told mum she is taking up too much of our blog with her holiday photos and that I needed the blog all to myself today to show off my manly tummy. If she behaves herself I may let her post some more later.

I am joining Athena, The Cat Goddess for Caturday Art.

For Flynn I started with Garden at 60%, then added Fantasy at 40%

For Eric I used Landscape at 50%, then added Beauty at 40%

preview108pieceCaturday Art Flynn 7.08.24
preview108pieceCaturday Art Eric 7.08.24
Now for the latest cards I have received. Thank you to everyone who sent them.
Terry, Celesta and Brian's Home Gang with a big hug from Chipper.

Cecilia and Bryan

CindyAnn (Turtle Lover)              Colehaus Cats  

Carole and Katie           Janet and The Kitties Blue

I am also joining MessyMimi for the blog hop.